Veterans memorials

Rosie the Riveter Memorial
Veterans Sculpture Garden Memorial

Richmond, California
Permanente Metals Corporation Yard No. 2, Marina Bay Park

GPS coordinates: 37.914765,-122.346537

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Located where Henry Kaiser brought his efficient automobile production techniques to shipbuilding. Liberty ships were 440-foot-long cargo and troop carriers that first took 200 days to build, eventually taking an average of 42 days. In a publicity stunt, one was built in less than 5 days at this location.

This memorial is dedicated to those workers who came from all over the country to join the war effort. "Rosie" was actually a fictitious name that represented the many women workers who joined the war effort while their husbands were stationed overseas. Liberty ships were actually welded together, not riveted, but the "Rosies" got their moniker from building airplanes elsewhere that were riveted.

One result of Kaiser's war effort that still lives with us today is his healthcare plan that was started for the onsite workers in Richmond.

The memorial contains a lifesize representation of a ship in the early stage of production. A ramped sidewalk slopes toward the San Francisco Bay, pointing to the Golden Gate Bridge. The smokestack is halfway down the sidewalk (to the left of the tree in the above photo).

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