Veterans memorials

Dam Builders Memorial at Hoover Dam
Dam Builders Memorial

Hoover Dam, Nevada
GPS coordinates: 36.0153,-114.7369

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This plaque, located near the famous Hoover Dam winged figures, gives tribute to the 96 persons who died during the construction of the dam. Contrary to first thought, none of the deaths were from pouring concrete since the concrete was poured only two inches at a time.

The inscription reads: “They died to make the desert bloom. The United States of America will continue to remember that many who toiled here found their final rest while engaged in the building of this dam. The United States of America will continue to remember the services of all who labored to clothe with substance the plans of those who first visioned the building of this dam.”

Bonus stop: The High Scalers Monument is nearby, located next to the High Scalers Cafe.

You can also take a walk on the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, also known as the Hoover Dam Bypass. It is the longest concrete arch in the western hemisphere and the 2nd tallest bridge in the U.S. O'Callaghan was a decorated Korean War Veteran and governor of Nevada. Tillman gave up a lucrative football career with the NFL to enlist in the U.S. Army. In 2004, Tillman was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan.

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