Enterprise, Utah
Hwy 18 and Bentley Ln.
GPS coordinates: 37.5758,-113.6999
Take a photo of your rally flag with the above image.
When World War II veterans returned home, they often wanted to join the National American Legion Program. One chapter was named in honor of two area veterans, Alton Hiatt from World War I and Alma Hunt from World War II. It was named Hiatt-Hunt Post 80 which owns 40 acres on which this memorial was built. The memorial is an all-wars memorial dedicated to area veterans.
Inscription reads:
“I am a patriot—an American. I stand for the preservation of moral principles that
this nation was founded upon. I love my country and pray that we will continue to be one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. I have seen the face of terror, felt the stinging fold of fear, and enjoyed the sweet taste of a moments love. I have cried, pained and hoped, —but most of all, I have lived times, others would say, were forgotten. I am proud to say that I am an American—a veteran”.