Kingman, Arizona
2201 Detroit Ave.
GPS coordinates: 35.2143,-114.0304
Take a photo of your rally flag with the above image.
On July 5, 1973, two men were transferring propane from a rail car to the Doxol Gas Western Energy bulk plant here in Kingman. When they detected a leak in one of the fittings, they attempted to fix it by striking the fitting with a wrench. The resulting sparks ignited the leaking propane and flames instantly engulfed both of them.
Ten firefighters responded but were unable to extinguish the flames. All they could hope to do was use water to keep the tanker cool and avoid a pressure buildup that could cause a massive explosion. Their efforts were unsuccessful and the car actually exploded three different times.
The final explosion sent burning propane and debris 2,000’ setting virtually everything in the area on fire, killing 12 people and injuring at least 107. The Doxol Disaster was the worst fire-fighting disaster in Arizona and until 9/11, among the top ten in America.
Today, because of the Doxol disaster, there are specific rules about chemical transfers and training procedures on how to fight chemical fires. Regrettably, all too often, these types of regulations and training procedures come only after loss of life.
Tour of Honor-Arizona is sponsored by Matthew Hogan of Kingman.