Veterans memorials

Iowa Civil War Memorial
Iowa Civil War Memorial in Rossville, Georgia

Rossville, Georgia
Near GA 27, Rossville Blvd. and W Crest Rd.
GPS coordinates: 34.983550,-85.279217

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This large 72-foot monument is on the southern edge of Missionary Ridge at Rossville Gap on the Tennessee/Georgia border. Because the Gap at Rossville provided easy passage through the barrier of Missionary Ridge, it took on a great significance during the campaigns of Chickamauga and Chattanooga in the fall of 1863.

The state of Iowa dedicated this monument on November 20, 1906 in memory of all her soldiers who took part in the Georgia Battles of Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Ringgold.

It is in excellent condition and has considerable detail in the soldiers’ uniforms.

Tour of Honor-Georgia is sponsored by John Stamps from Fort Myers, Florida.

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