Gerlach, Nevada
Doobie Lane, across the highway from the Black Rock Desert
GPS coordinates: 40.681423,-119.360747
Take a photo of your rally flag with the above image.
This memorial is in honor of many accomplished long distance motorcyclists that were active in the Iron Butt Association. The IBA has a worldwide membership of 50,000 and growing, where the entry requirement is riding a documented 1,000 miles in a 24-hour period. The main focus of the IBA is not just how to ride longer distances, but how to do it safely.
Though we’d like riders to take time at the different memorials, especially those that are part of museums, there are some who will want to turn the ride into an IBA-qualified event. If you are one of those wanting to join “The World’s Toughest Riders,” you will receive a special ToH/IBA certificate and mention on the IBA website. Find out more here.
NOTE: This site is at the end of a short gravel road, approximately 100 yards off the highway. If you’re uncomfortable with gravel, use caution, or walk from the highway. |