Erie, Pennsylvania (Erie County)
2614 Glenwood Park Avenue
GPS coordinates: 42.11118,-80.073474
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The 60-ton granite memorial was dedicated in 2006 and is etched with the names of 74 Erie County veterans who died in the conflict. It shares a park with World War II and Viet Nam War memorials.
Parking and Access:
Curb parking is available adjacent to the memorial.
Also in the area:.
Erie’s Perry Square is nearby and features a number of other memorials, including a great statue of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, known as the "Hero of Lake Erie," for his command of a fleet that turned the War of 1812 around. Perry earned the Congressional Medal of Honor and Thanks of Congress at the age of 27. The “Brewerie” at Union Station offers great food at a historic old train station.
Don’t miss the opportunity to ride the scenic back roads of Pennsylvania’s wine country.
Tour of Honor-Pennsylvania is sponsored by Wendyvee of Roadsidewonders. |