Veterans memorials

Silent Wings Museum
Silent Wings Museum in Lubbock, Texas

Lubbock, Texas
Lubbock International Airport
GPS coordinates: 33.657696,-101.832018

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In 1971, former pilots of the U.S. Army Air Force’s glider program formed the National World War II Glider Pilots Association Inc. The first Silent Wings Museum opened to the public in 1984 in Terrell, Texas. By 1997, the pilots realized that a more permanent museum home was needed. Lubbock, where a majority of the glider pilots had trained, offered to provide the new site.

Fast forward, several glider pilots in the Dallas area learned about a CG-4A glider sitting atop a tire store in Fresno, California. After World War II, the aircraft had been purchased as military surplus, placed on top of the building and used as advertising. The glider was purchased and restoration was completed in time for the 1979 national reunion in Dallas.

Visit the museum, see the fully restored CG-4A glider, and learn the story of these brave men who flew behind enemy lines on one-way missions. Open Tuesday through Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 1pm-5pm, closed Mondays.

Pictured above is the typical C47 tow plane.

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