Veterans memorials

Thomas and Abraham Lincoln at American Civil War Center
Thomas and Abraham Lincoln at American Civil War Center

Richmond, Virginia
490 Tredegar Street
GPS coordinates: 37.535722,-77.446075

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During the Civil War, over 620,000 soldiers died, 2% of America’s population at the time. As the largest slave-trading center, Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy and became the center of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War. So it is appropriate that this place try to tell the stories from Union, Confederate, and African American perspectives.

The Civil War Center is housed in the historic Tredegar Iron Works, the main gun and artillery foundry for the Confederacy. During the evacuation of Richmond, on the night of April 2, 1865, retreating troops were given the orders to burn the factories that might be valuable to the North. The owner of the factory hired 50 armed guards to protect the facility against arsonists and as a result, remains one of the few Civil War-era buildings that survived the burning of Richmond.

The monument pictured above commemorates the historic arrival of Abraham Lincoln and his son Thomas, for their tour of the burnt-out city on April 4, 1865. The date is significant because it was Thomas’s 12th birthday and just 10 days before President Lincoln’s assassination.

Open every day of the year, 9am-5pm. Admission $8.
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