Veterans memorials

Iron County Vietnam War Memorial
Iron County Vietnam War Memorial in Cedar City, Utah

Cedar City, Utah
200 N at 200 E
GPS coordinates: 37.67979,-113.05673

Take a photo of your rally flag and motorcycle with the above image.*

This is the memorial that is furthest to the east and apart from the others.
Huge memorial complex, probably the finest in Utah and maybe in any state. Multiple statues and plaques within the area.

Also in the area: Kolob Reservoir: Fun and scenic twisties. 37.4400062,-113.0481095

Graphton Ghost Town: Unlike other ghost towns, this one is well maintained.

*If motorcycle, rally flag and above image can't be in the same photo, submit two photos: one with rally flag and above image, and another with rally flag and motorcycle nearby. If the site is CLOSED or inaccessible, submit a photo with rally flag and motorcycle nearby, along with an explanation.

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