Veterans memorials

Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Sharon, Vermont

Sharon, Vermont
I-89 Sharon Rest Stop (mile marker 139)
GPS coordinates: 43.72762,-72.42636

Take a photo of your rally flag and motorcycle with the above image.*

The Vermont Vietnam Veterans Memorial is located at the Sharon Rest Area on Interstate 89, northbound side in its Welcome Center. It honors the 7,236 Vermont servicemen and women who served in Vietnam and the 138 who died there. The Welcome Center also features a photo display and timelines of Vermont and Vietnam events from the beginning of US involvement through the 1975 evacuation of the US Embassy.

This is the first Vietnam Memorial erected in the United States and was chosen for its similarity in views to Highway One in Vietnam and because it is 138 miles from the Canadian Border (the same number as those from Vermont who died in the war). The stone memorial wall now features an eternal flame.

A stop on Memorial Day eve will find you part of the all-night vigil held every Memorial Day.

Also in the area: While there, tour the Living Machine Waste Water Recycling System where native South Asia plant life treats the site’s waste water. Free Wi-Fi.

A bit north in South Royalton, you can visit the birthplace of Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church. A bit south in White River Junction the Main Street Museum features a “Cabinet of Curiosities” (Thu-Sun 1-6pm), an 18th & 19th century display of “stuff” – a museum about the roots of museums.

*If motorcycle, rally flag and above image can't be in the same photo, submit two photos: one with rally flag and above image, and another with rally flag and motorcycle nearby. If the site is CLOSED or inaccessible, submit a photo with rally flag and motorcycle nearby, along with an explanation.

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