Not all state memorials are accessible 24/7. If a state memorial is unavailable due to maintenance, road closure not caused by weather, or other circumstances beyond your control, take a photo of your rally flag and motorcycle at the nearest access point, preferably with a sign mentioning the memorial and reference to the area being closed.
Unlike the state memorials, a number of the additional ride memorials may have some kind of restriction in place. (Limited hours, admission fee, ID or pass, etc.) Refer to the Tour of Honor App, Portal or detail lists on the website for locations with such restrictions. Riders are encouraged to pre-scout these locations to determine access. Submission photos for these memorial locations must contain the object of the visit to be scored.
Finisher’s Certificate
Visit any seven STATE memorials to receive a Finisher’s Certificate (FC) and Pin. Alternate ride visits don’t count towards the FC as they have their own recognition awards. See each additional ride web page for details.
Jack Shoalmire Award Challenge
A “Jack Shoalmire Award Challenge” award will be presented to the rider who visits the most STATE memorial sites during the 4/1–10/31 riding season. The Jack Shoalmire Award Challenge winner will receive the #1 flag in the following year’s Tour of Honor.
Top 10 Finishers
The Top 10 finishers, based on number of selected STATE memorial sites visited, will be awarded flag #s 1-10 -- and free registrations -- the following year. Passengers are eligible, refer to the Photography section. Visits to auxiliary sites are not considered for Top 10 placement.
In case of a tie in Top 10 finishers, flag #s will be determined by who is first to submit their final photo.
Losing Your Flag
Facsimiles can be used for visits to memorials, provided you have notified the scorers at [email protected]. Replacement flags are available in the online store.
You may also request a temporary, free facsimile (PDF) version of your flag for use or make one of your own (your rider number on a piece of paper will do) only until your replacement flag arrives.
Previous year flags may not be used for scoring purposes. Attaching contact information on the back of your rally flag may be helpful in the event you forget to secure your flag after a memorial visit.
Who determines what states and memorials to visit?
The State Sponsors select the sites. Everyone is welcome to make suggestions.
Is it always seven memorials per state?
Not always, some smaller states are combined into regions with four sites per state. Regions include New England, Mid-Atlantic, and the Dakotas.
What happens if I don't visit all the sites?
Nothing other than hopefully having the experience of visiting at least one.
What kind of memorials and monuments are included?
U.S. memorials that honor the brave people who protect -- or have protected -- our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Some are local, some are national, all are rewarding and interesting.
Why should we pay for a registration when the destinations are on the website?
For one thing, it includes a $25 donation to the riders choice of charities. Then there's the flag, other SWAG, finishers certificate, and mailing costs. Hopefully you'll take advantage of the sense of community here and in the popular Tour of Honor group on Facebook.
If I change my mind, can I get a refund?
Yes, refunds are provided up until the time your registration packet is mailed. We will deduct the $25 donation to your choice of charity, and a $10 aggravation fee. Refunds won't be given after the registration packet is mailed.
Love the theme, how can I help?
If you're interested, there are a number of ways you can help. Suggest an advertiser, or be an advertiser on the website. Suggest memorials. Invite your friends. Submit a post on motorcycle forums. Email motorcycle magazines and dealers.
What are the rules to qualify for Finishers certificates?
Riders must visit seven STATE memorial sites and have them verified by the scorers to qualify for a Finishers pin and certificate.
Photos must be submitted that include three things: the memorial from an angle similar to that on the website, your rally flag, and your motorcycle. It won't always be possible to ride your motorcycle up to the memorial, and in that instance, two photos must be submitted: one with the memorial and your rally flag, and one nearby with your motorcycle and your rally flag. It should be obvious that your motorcycle was at least *near* the memorial. Your rally flag should be in all photos submitted.
Decisions about evidence of visiting sites will be at the discretion of the scorekeepers and if it's not clear from the photographs, you may be asked to return to take new photos.
How do we submit the photos?
Use the scoring portal to submit photos using the Tour of Honor app or by logging in to You can also mail printed photos or on thumbdrive to: Tour of Honor, LLC, 521 N 10th Ave., #198, Caldwell, ID 83605. Mailed photos will be delayed, so please allow two weeks for verification.
For those who want to share their photos, you're invited to post them on the Tour of Honor Group Facebook page or on Instagram, using the hashtag #TourOfHonor
When will the Finishers certificates be sent out?
Finishers certificates and pins will be mailed shortly after the season ends, normally by November 20.
What if we can't access a memorial site?
There might be restricted access to some sites, mostly because of hours of operation, and it is up to riders to determine that ahead of time.
If a site is closed due to maintenance, road closures not related to weather, security precautions or other reasons making it impossible to visit, take a photo of a nearby sign for the site, along with your bike and rally flag.
What happens if I lose my rally flag?
You will be allowed credit for memorials with a facsimile of your flag (your rider number on a piece of paper will do) for up to one week after we hear of the loss. Order a replacement from the online store and one will be mailed to you.
What happens if I come across someone else's rally flag left behind?
If this happens, leave it there because someone may be returning for it shortly. If you can, email us the location and the rider number and we'll put the word out.
Do you target a particular type of rider or motorcycle brand?
Absolutely not. We want to include anyone who likes to ride AND respects what others have done for their community and country.
Can I use different motorcycles?
Yes. No need to notify us. If you want to change your motorcycle listed on the Rider List, you can change it on the Scoring Portal.
Can I order Tour of Honor shirts?
Yes. Visit the online store to order shirts and other items. |