2024 Meetups!

2024 Meetups

These meetups are hosted by state sponsors and others dedicated to camaraderie and having a good time. Some are strictly no-host, while others may ask for an upfront fee to cover venue expenses, etc. Please contact the people below for more details:

May 19
Dudley, North Carolina
Armed Forces Day service, followed by brunch
10:30am, Dudley Christian Church (home of the Dudley Painted Rock)
212 O'Berry Rd.
Contact: John Morton at [email protected]

July 13
Buffalo, Wyoming
Rocky Mountain regional gathering
Activities include self-directed rides (see website) and lunch at the Wyoming Veterans Home.
Fee: Donation on day of
Contact: Wyoming state sponsor George Stanfield at [email protected]
Website: tohroundup.com

July 19-20
Ely, Nevada
TOH Stampede: a mini-rally, TOH IBA rides and catered BBQ banquet
If you know Dale Wilson from the Iron Butt Rally, you know he puts on quite an event! Fee: $59 per person
Contact: Nevada state sponsor Dale Wilson at [email protected]
Website: https://cognoscentegroup.com/cg/tohstampede/

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Optional battlefield tour!
Contact: Virgin ia state sponsor Chris Comly at [email protected]

September 13-15
Guttenberg, Iowa
Midwest TOH Meetup,:with state sponsors Mike Dooley (IA & IL), Russell Marsolek (MN), Dan Reynard (WI)
Contact: Minnesota state sponsor Russell Marsolek at [email protected]



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