Veterans memorials

Veterans Cemetery List

This is a list of all Veterans Cemeteries currently in the Tour of Honor database. There is currently a total of 293.

To filter, select a state:

ID Name Description Address City State GPS Restrictions
ID Name Description Address City State GPS Restrictions
VC006 Fort Richardson National Cemetery The Fort Richardson National Cemetery resides on an active USAF/US Army installation. Bldg 58-512 Davis Hwy Fort Richardson AK 61.272512,-149.658321 Military Base
VC010 Fayetteville National Cemetery 1000 S. Lt. Col. Leroy Pond Avenue Fayetteville AR 36.053268,-94.167817 Cemetery
VC013 Bakersfield National Cemetery 30338 East Bear Mountain Blvd. Arvin CA 35.255171,-118.666461 Cemetery
VC040 Alton National Cemetery 600 Pearl Street Alton IL 38.890525,-90.163097 Cemetery
VC056 Fort Scott National Cemetery 900 East National Avenue Fort Scott KS 37.82162,-94.695346 Cemetery
VC058 Camp Nelson National Cemetery 6980 Danville Road Nicholasville KY 37.787579,-84.606101 Cemetery
VC061 Lebanon National Cemetery 20 Hwy 208 Lebanon KY 37.553,-85.269802 Cemetery
VC063 Mill Springs National Cemetery 9044 West Highway 80 Nancy KY 37.068382,-84.737755 Cemetery
VC080 Fort Snelling National Cemetery 7601 34th Avenue South Minneapolis MN 44.865730,-93.222279 Cemetery
VC104 Raleigh National Cemetery 501 Rock Quarry Road Raleigh NC 35.774628,-78.621214 Cemetery
VC109 Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery 10175 Rawiga Road Seville OH 41.003645,-81.814996 Cemetery
VC111 Confederate Stockade Cemetery Access to Johnson Island to visit this cemetery is via a toll road that is $2 and only accepts dollar bills Johnson's Island Sandusky OH 41.500713,-82.730155 Cemetery
VC121 Washington Crossing National Cemetery 830 Highland Road Newtown PA 40.26493,-74.904712 Cemetery
VC125 Black Hills National Cemetery 20901 Pleasant Valley Drive Sturgis SD 44.370554,-103.474031 Cemetery
VC145 Danville National Cemetery 721 Lee St. Danville VA 36.57734,-79.390106 Cemetery
VC146 Fort Harrison National Cemetery 8620 Varina Rd. Richmond VA 37.428694,-77.366167 Cemetery
VC155 Fort Lawton Post Cemetery Texas Way Seattle WA 47.659413,-122.406599 Cemetery
VC159 Grafton National Cemetery 431 Walnut St. Grafton WV 39.336091,-80.029808 Cemetery
VC162 Wood National Cemetery 5000 W National Ave. Bldg. 1301 Milwaukee WI 43.020259,-87.981839 Cemetery
VC171 California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery 2900 Parker Flats Road Seaside CA 36.637294,-121.796314 Cemetery
VC172 Northern California Veterans Cemetery 11800 Gas Point Road Igo CA 40.478538,-122.544451 Cemetery
VC178 Spring Grove Veterans Cemetery 22 Hecker Avenue Darien CT 41.068962,-73.479394 Cemetery
VC191 Iowa Veterans Home Cemetery 1301 Summit Street Marshalltown IA 42.052836,-92.934815 Cemetery
VC193 Kansas Veterans Cemetery at Ft. Riley 5181 Wildcat Creek Road Manhattan KS 39.135952,-96.68252 Cemetery
VC196 Kentucky Veterans Cemetery - Central 2501 North Dixie Boulevard Radcliff KY 37.8683472,-85.9611511 Cemetery
VC208 Northern Maine Veterans Cemetery 37 Lombard Road Caribou ME 46.85124,-68.04285 Cemetery
VC214 Maryland Veterans Cemetery - Rocky Gap 14205 Pleasant Valley Road NE Flintstone MD 39.7197304,-78.6354828 Cemetery
VC217 Grand Rapids Home for Veterans Cemetery 3000 Monroe NE Grand Rapids MI 43.01825,-85.65863 Cemetery
VC219 Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery - Duluth 4777 Hwy 53 Duluth MN 46.856427,-92.312133 Cemetery
VC233 Montana Veterans Home Cemetery Veterans Home Columbia Falls MT 48.363296,-114.215846 Cemetery
VC234 Western Montana Veterans Cemetery - Missoula 1911 Tower Road Missoula MT 46.853498,-114.060683 Cemetery
VC251 Ohio Veterans Home Cemetery 3416 Columbus Avenue Sandusky OH 41.41938,-82.68986 Cemetery
VC261 East Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery - Gov. John Sevier Hwy 2200 E. Gov. John Sevier Hwy 168 Knoxville TN 35.951613,-83.806945 Cemetery
VC278 Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery N4063 Veterans Way Spooner WI 45.782862,-91.831129 Cemetery
VC285 Antietam National Cemetery 320 E Main St Sharpsburg MD 39.460215,-77.741793 Cemetery
VC286 Vicksburg National Cemetery The Vicksburg National Cemetery established in 1866 contains more than 18,000 graves, of which almost 13,000 are unknown. Soldiers from the Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korean Conflict, and Vietnam War are interred or memorialized here. It is located on the western side of the Vicksburg National Military Park. Given Hill Rd and Connecting Ave Vicksburg MS 32.37504,-90.867405 Cemetery
VC299 New York State Veterans Cemetery - Finger Lakes formerly known as the Sampson Veterans Memorial Cemetery, the DVS took over this Cemetery in February, 2023 6150 SR 96 6632 NY-96A Romulus NY 42.702651,-76.879686 Cemetery
VC302 Ft. Moore Main Post Cemetery The Fort Moore cemetery resides on an active U.S. Army installation off of Pulaski Ave near the elementary school. Ft. Moore Main Post Cemetery 64-66 Custer Rd Columbus GA 32.380653,-84.952985 Military Base
VC303 Leonard Wood Post Cemetery The Fort Leonard Wood cemetery resides on an active U.S. Army installation. Leonard Wood Post Cemetery 300 Cemetery Road Fort Leonard Wood MO 37.776592,-92.125435 Military Base
VC002 Fort McClellan Post Cemetery "Fort McClellan Post Cemetery with its notable entryway arches and beautiful setting within the landscape, pays homage to the heroes who have been interred there." 540 Goode Rd Anniston AL 33.730259,-85.782487 Cemetery
VC005 Mobile National Cemetery 1202 Virginia Street Mobile AL 30.67341,-88.064034 Cemetery
VC025 Pikes Peak National Cemetery 10545 Drennan Road Colorado Springs CO 38.780827,-104.633325 Cemetery
VC031 Saint Augustine National Cemetery 104 Marine Street St. Augustine FL 29.886359,-81.309393 Cemetery
VC036 Marietta National Cemetery Washington Avenue and Cole St Marietta GA 33.952094,-84.543433 Cemetery
VC064 Zachary Taylor National Cemetery 4701 Brownsboro Road Louisville KY 38.276556,-85.641537 Cemetery
VC068 Port Hudson National Cemetery 20978 Port Hickey Road Zachary LA 30.660797,-91.276074 Cemetery
VC083 Natchez National Cemetery 41 Cemetery Road Natchez MS 31.58014,-91.396068 Cemetery
VC088 Fort Missoula Post Cemetery Guardsman Lane Missoula MT 46.846871,-114.058183 Cemetery
VC091 Omaha National Cemetery 14250 Schram Road Omaha NE 41.132707,-96.135033 Cemetery
VC093 Finn's Point National Cemetery 454 Fort Mott Road Pennsville NJ 39.610335,-75.555322 Cemetery
VC100 Long Island National Cemetery 2040 Wellwood Avenue Farmingdale NY 40.750568,-73.401464 Cemetery
VC114 Eagle Point National Cemetery 2763 Riley Rd. Eagle Point OR 42.461494,-122.785106 Cemetery
VC119 National Cemetery of the Alleghenies 1158 Morgan Road Bridgeville PA 40.313246,-80.154312 Cemetery
VC131 Mountain Home National Cemetery 215 Heroes Drive Mountain Home TN 36.310639,-82.373643 Cemetery
VC138 San Antonio National Cemetery 517 Paso Hondo Street San Antonio TX 29.421201,-98.466739 Cemetery
VC140 Alexandria National Cemetery 1450 Wilkes St. Alexandria VA 38.801771,-77.057721 Cemetery
VC158 Vancouver Barracks National Cemetery 1455 E 4th Plain Blvd. Vancouver WA 45.63942,-122.659531 Cemetery
VC188 Indiana State Soldiers Home Cemetery 3851 N. River Road W. Lafayette IN 40.472037,-86.896389 Cemetery
VC198 Kentucky Veterans Cemetery - Northeast 100 Veterans Memorial Drive Grayson KY 38.382844,-82.817835 Cemetery
VC209 Southern Maine Veterans Cemetery 83 Stanley Road Springvale ME 43.480878,-70.808527 Cemetery
VC210 Maryland Veterans Cemetery - Cheltenham 11301 Crain Highway Cheltenham MD 38.732683,-76.829806 Cemetery
VC239 New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery 110 Daniel Webster Highway Boscawen NH 43.3347168,-71.6365891 Cemetery
VC240 Brigadier General William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery 350 Province Line Road Wrightstown NJ 40.0940018,-74.5619583 Cemetery
VC245 Coastal Carolina State Veterans Cemetery 110 Montford Point Road Jacksonville NC 34.74718,-77.415392 Cemetery
VC256 M.J. Dolly Cooper Veterans Cemetery 140 Inway Drive Anderson SC 34.480333,-82.5777 Cemetery
VC268 Rio Grande Valley State Veterans Cemetery in Mission 2520 South Inspiration Road Mission TX 26.185792,-98.355736 Cemetery
VC273 Southwest Virginia Veterans Cemetery 5550 Bagging Plant Road Dublin VA 37.104064,-80.673688 Cemetery
VC274 Virginia Veterans Cemetery in Amelia 10300 Pridesville Road Amelia VA 37.3605652,-77.9965057 Cemetery
VC277 Central Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery N2665 Highway QQ King WI 44.334514,-89.144342 Cemetery
VC287 Gettysburg National Cemetery 791 Soldiers’ National Cemetery Gettysburg PA 39.821655,-77.230045 Cemetery
VC300 Fort Riley Post Cemetery The Main Post Cemetery at Fort Riley is on an active Army installation. It was established in 1853. 193 Huebner Rd Fort Riley KS 39.064865,-96.796239 Military Base
VC004 Fort Mitchell National Cemetery In 1987, Fort Mitchell National Cemetery was officially opened to serve veterans residing in NC, SC, GA, Fl, Al, TN and MS 553 Highway 165 Ft. Mitchell AL 32.346445,-85.023956 Cemetery
VC008 National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona 23029 North Cave Creek Road Phoenix AZ 33.698443,-112.019833 Cemetery
VC009 Prescott National Cemetery 500 Highway 89 North Prescott AZ 34.547795,-112.448605 Cemetery
VC011 Fort Smith National Cemetery 522 Garland Avenue and South 6th Street Fort Smith AR 35.384654,-94.427822 Cemetery
VC019 Riverside National Cemetery 22495 Van Buren Blvd. Riverside CA 33.887137,-117.279963 Cemetery
VC022 San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery 32053 W McCabe Rd. Santa Nella CA 37.119746,-121.073646 Cemetery
VC026 Barrancas National Cemetery 1 Cemetery Road Pensacola FL 30.357704,-87.2893 Military Base
VC030 Jacksonville National Cemetery 4083 Lannie Road Jacksonville FL 30.544952,-81.7178 Cemetery
VC032 Sarasota National Cemetery 9810 State Road 72 Sarasota FL 27.24758,-82.381777 Cemetery
VC049 Rock Island Confederate Cemetery The Rock Island Confederate Cemetery resides on an active U.S. Army installation. Rodman Avenue - Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island IL 41.518057,-90.533982 Military Base
VC065 Alexandria National Cemetery 209 East Shamrock Street Pineville LA 31.321539,-92.433046 Cemetery
VC133 Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery 2000 Mountain Creek Parkway Dallas TX 32.717684,-96.946771 Cemetery
VC135 Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery 1520 Harry Wurzbach Rd. San Antonio TX 29.476844,-98.434255 Cemetery
VC147 Glendale National Cemetery 8301 Willis Church Rd. Richmond VA 37.436183,-77.23518 Cemetery
VC163 Cheyenne National Cemetery 8611 Hildreth Rd. Cheyenne WY 41.180264,-104.903774 Cemetery
VC173 Yountville Veterans Home Cemetery 260 California Avenue Yountville CA 38.390947,-122.370165 Cemetery
VC177 Colonel Raymond F. Gates Memorial Cemetery 392 West Street Rocky Hill CT 41.652585,-72.655452 Cemetery
VC179 Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery - New Castle County 2465 Chesapeake City Road Bear DE 39.548388,-75.745595 Cemetery
VC182 Georgia Veterans Memorial Cemetery - Milledgeville 2617 Vinson Highway Milledgeville GA 33.010224,-83.196418 Cemetery
VC186 Idaho State Veterans Cemetery at Boise 10100 Horseshoe Bend Road Boise ID 43.695336,-116.306544 Cemetery
VC189 Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery 1415 North Gate Road Madison IN 38.7521667,-85.40345 Cemetery
VC192 Kansas Veterans Cemetery at Ft. Dodge 11560 U.S. Highway 400 Dodge City KS 37.7315903,-99.9314041 Cemetery
VC194 Kansas Veterans Cemetery at Wakeeney 403 South 13th Wakeeney KS 39.01722,-99.87153 Cemetery
VC253 Seminole Nation of Oklahoma Cemetery and Veterans Memorial 35419 Hwy 59 Seminole OK 35.18838,-96.69719 Cemetery
VC267 Coastal Bend State Veterans Cemetery in Corpus Christi 9974 IH 37 Access Road Corpus Christi TX 27.841065,-97.557951 Cemetery
VC290 Arlington National Cemetery 1 Memorial Ave Arlington VA 38.88376,-77.065403 Cemetery
VC291 Fredericksburg National Cemetery The Fredericksburg National Cemetery, being a popular tourist destination is generally closed to vehicular traffic. To visit and get a photo from inside this cemetery requires your ride to be parked in designated parking nearby. Listed coordinates are for the gated entrance to the cemetery by the visitors center 1013 Lafayette Blvd Fredericksburg VA 38.293302,-77.467799 Cemetery
VC295 Colorado Veterans Cemetery Homelake 3749 Sherman Ave Monte Vista CO 37.576852,-106.097519 Cemetery
VC296 Fort Huachuca Post Cemetery The Fort Huachuca Post Cemetery resides on an active US Army installation.
Foot traffic is permitted. Be sure to close the gate.
100 Burt Rd Sierra Vista AZ 31.548131,-110.375880 Military Base
VC297 National Cemetery at Shiloh 1055 Pittsburg Landing Rd Shiloh TN 35.150569,-88.321393 Park
VC015 Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery Cabrillo Memorial Drive San Diego CA 32.688767,-117.245139 Cemetery
VC016 Golden Gate National Cemetery 1300 Sneath Lane San Bruno CA 37.631165,-122.434886 Cemetery
VC018 Miramar National Cemetery 5795 Nobel Drive San Diego CA 32.87252,-117.191381 Cemetery
VC033 South Florida National Cemetery 6501 S. State Road 7 Lake Worth FL 26.578822,-80.206359 Cemetery
VC034 Tallahassee National Cemetery 5015 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee FL 30.427327,-84.188762 Cemetery
VC041 Camp Butler National Cemetery 5063 Camp Butler Road Springfield IL 39.831927,-89.556837 Cemetery
VC045 Quincy National Cemetery 36th & Maine Street Quincy IL 39.93193,-91.356355 Cemetery
VC073 Loudon Park National Cemetery 3445 Frederick Avenue Baltimore MD 39.281305,-76.675244 Cemetery
VC074 Point Lookout Confederate Cemetery The 85-foot granite obelisk was erected to honor those that died here. It was built when it was determined in 1906, that the grave sites could not be marked individually.

IMPORTANT: Submit photos as per Photo Instructions below)

Point Lookout Ridge MD 38.073712,-76.342284 Cemetery
VC084 Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery 2900 Sheridan Road St. Louis MO 38.501477,-90.288278 Cemetery
VC089 Yellowstone National Cemetery 55 Buffalo Trail Road Laurel MT 45.695392,-108.772879 Cemetery
VC096 Bath National Cemetery San Juan Avenue Bath NY 42.347504,-77.351288 Cemetery
VC099 Gerald B. H. Solomon Saratoga National Cemetery 200 Duell Road Schuylerville NY 43.026389,-73.617125 Cemetery
VC101 Western New York National Cemetery 1254 Indian Falls Road Corfu NY 43.020531,-78.396994 Cemetery
VC115 Fort Stevens National Cemetery 1090-1140 Russell Drive Hammond OR 46.194872,-123.961131 Cemetery
VC116 Roseburg National Cemetery 1770 W Harvard Ave Roseburg OR 43.2141,-123.369691 Cemetery
VC118 Indiantown Gap National Cemetery 60 Indiantown Gap Road Annville PA 40.419768,-76.57767 Cemetery
VC134 Fort Bliss National Cemetery 5200 Fred Wilson Ave. El Paso TX 31.826108,-106.42374 Cemetery
VC143 Cold Harbor National Cemetery 6038 Cold Harbor Road Mechanicsville VA 37.589042,-77.280014 Cemetery
VC148 Hampton National Cemetery 1 Cemetery Rd. at Marshall Ave Hampton VA 37.020492,-76.335835 Cemetery
VC151 Richmond National Cemetery 1701 Williamsburg Rd. Richmond VA 37.515163,-77.393224 Cemetery
VC168 Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery 1300 Buffalo Soldier Trail Sierra Vista AZ 31.53995,-110.30077 Cemetery
VC180 Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery - Sussex County 26669 Patriots Way Millsboro DE 38.614434,-75.316704 Cemetery
VC185 Idaho State Veterans Cemetery at Blackfoot 2651 Cromwell Lane Blackfoot ID 43.182194,-112.319756 Cemetery
VC197 Kentucky Veterans Cemetery - North 205 Eibeck Lane Williamstown KY 38.61152,-84.57801 Cemetery
VC199 Kentucky Veterans Cemetery - Southeast 1280 KY Hwy 118 - (Tim Couch Pass) Hyden KY 37.169047,-83.399593 Cemetery
VC203 Northwest Louisiana Veterans Cemetery 7970 Mike Clarke Road Keithville LA 32.26513,-93.93243 Cemetery
VC216 Massachusetts Veterans' Memorial Cemetery - Winchendon 111 Glenallen Street Winchendon MA 42.68513,-72.01852 Cemetery
VC229 St. James Missouri Veterans Home Cemetery 620 N. Jefferson Street St. James MO 38.004069,-91.617543 Cemetery
VC236 Nebraska Veterans Home Cemetery Many of the headstones on the west side of the cemetery are for those that died in the 1910s and 1920s.
The large memorial was dedicated in 1908 to honor soldiers that died in 1861-65.
2300 West Capital Avenue Grand Island NE 40.946078,-98.378096 Cemetery
VC243 Ft. Stanton State Veterans Cemetery 1398 State Highway 220 Ft. Stanton NM 33.490018,-105.515905 Cemetery
VC244 Gallup State Veterans Cemetery 333 National Cemetery Drive Gallup NM 35.535895,-108.708687 Cemetery
VC249 All Nations Veterans Cemetery ND-6 Selfridge ND 45.958055,-100.805 Cemetery
VC250 North Dakota Veterans Cemetery 1825 46th Street Mandan ND 46.7494125,-100.8481293 Cemetery
VC254 Pennsylvania Soldiers' and Sailors' Home Cemetery NOTE: - Permission may be required from security guard to visit cemetery. Mask is required if someone is near you while visiting. 560 East Third Street Erie PA 42.139311,-80.072388 Cemetery
VC257 South Dakota Veterans Cemetery 25965 477th Avenue Sioux Falls SD 43.622157,-96.673957 Cemetery
VC263 Middle Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery 7931 McCrory Lane Nashville TN 36.085021,-87.025859 Cemetery
VC275 Washington State Veterans Cemetery in Medical Lake 21702 W Espanola Rd Medical Lake WA 47.586786,-117.714174 Cemetery
VC280 Oregon Trail State Veterans Cemetery 80 Veterans Road Evansville WY 42.872172,-106.25952 Cemetery
VC288 Fort Donelson National Cemetery 174 National Cemetery Dr Dover TN 36.487771,-87.846855 Cemetery
VC298 Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery Dedicated August, 2023 - This VA grant funded cemetery joins Duluth, Little Falls, and Preston in Minnesota.   Noble Ave & 337th St Redwood Falls MN 44.538536,-95.0477 Cemetery
VC001 Alabama National Cemetery Alabama National Cemetery was formally dedicated in 2008, and opened for burials the following year. 3133 Highway 119 Montevallo AL 33.129654,-86.836645 Cemetery
VC021 San Francisco National Cemetery 1 Lincoln Boulevard - Presidio of San Francisco San Francisco CA 37.801096,-122.461683 Cemetery
VC024 Fort Lyon National Cemetery 15700 County Road HH Las Animas CO 38.083412,-103.129529 Cemetery
VC027 Bay Pines National Cemetery 10000 Bay Pines Boulevard North St. Petersburg FL 27.809776,-82.774683 Cemetery
VC028 Cape Canaveral National Cemetery 5525 U.S. Highway 1 Mims FL 28.755428,-80.873725 Cemetery
VC038 Snake River Canyon National Cemetery 1585 East Elm Street (E 4150 N) Buhl ID 42.600651,-114.736716 Cemetery
VC039 Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery 20953 W. Hoff Road Elwood IL 41.390326,-88.123784 Cemetery
VC044 Mound City National Cemetery 141 State Highway 37 Mound City IL 37.086967,-89.178144 Cemetery
VC048 North Alton Confederate Cemetery 635 Rozier Street Alton IL 38.918493,-90.194984 Cemetery
VC071 Annapolis National Cemetery 800 West Street Annapolis MD 38.976506,-76.505425 Cemetery
VC081 Biloxi National Cemetery 400 Veterans Avenue - Bldg. 1001 Biloxi MS 30.412793,-88.94371 Cemetery
VC082 Corinth National Cemetery 1551 Horton Street Corinth MS 34.925236,-88.510186 Cemetery
VC086 Springfield National Cemetery 1702 East Seminole Street Springfield MO 37.174277,-93.263963 Cemetery
VC097 Calverton National Cemetery 210 Princeton Boulevard Calverton NY 40.92308,-72.814809 Cemetery
VC102 Woodlawn National Cemetery 1825 Davis Street Elmira NY 42.111099,-76.826575 Cemetery
VC105 Salisbury National Cemetery 202 Government Rd Salisbury NC 35.661267,-80.474637 Cemetery
VC108 Dayton National Cemetery 4400 West Third Street Dayton OH 39.74823,-84.259102 Cemetery
VC113 Fort Sill National Cemetery 2648 NE Jake Dunn Road Elgin OK 34.765938,-98.351893 Cemetery
VC123 Florence National Cemetery 803 E National Cemetery Rd. Florence SC 34.184086,-79.753653 Cemetery
VC132 Nashville National Cemetery 1420 Gallatin Rd. S Madison TN 36.241674,-86.723403 Cemetery
VC141 Ball's Bluff National Cemetery Rt. 7 Leesburg VA 39.131813,-77.52763 Cemetery
VC156 Fort Worden Post Cemetery 1300-1398 W St Port Townsend WA 48.133728,-122.773845 Cemetery
VC161 Northwoods National Cemetery 4520 Lakewood Road Harshaw WI 45.685351,-89.677804 Cemetery
VC167 Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery at Marana 15950 N Luckett Road Marana AZ 32.495325,-111.269856 Cemetery
VC175 Veterans Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado 2830 Riverside Parkway Grand Junction CO 39.063092,-108.526185 Cemetery
VC181 Georgia Veterans Memorial Cemetery - Glennville 8819 U.S. Highway 301 Glennville GA 31.959309,-81.923266 Cemetery
VC187 Sunset Veterans Cemetery 1707 N. 12th Street Quincy IL 39.962212,-91.405823 Cemetery
VC195 Kansas Veterans Cemetery at Winfield 1208 North College Street Winfield KS 37.26046,-96.97835 Cemetery
VC202 Northeast Louisiana Veterans Cemetery 2413 Hwy 425 Rayville LA 32.42279,-91.76251 Cemetery
VC212 Maryland Veterans Cemetery - Eastern Shore 6827 E. New Market Ellwood Road Hurlock MD 38.674746,-75.899176 Cemetery
VC221 Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery - Preston 715 Highway 52 Preston MN 43.67302,-92.06663 Cemetery
VC222 Mississippi Veterans Memorial Cemetery - Kilmichael 2 Legion Road Kilmichael MS 33.445925,-89.559415 Cemetery
VC225 Missouri State Veterans Cemetery - Fort Leonard Wood 25350 Highway H Waynesville MO 37.791939,-92.207573 Cemetery
VC226 Missouri State Veterans Cemetery - Higginsville 20109 Bus. Hwy 13 Higginsville MO 39.095411,-93.734322 Cemetery
VC231 Eastern Montana State Veterans Cemetery - Miles City Highway 59 and Cemetery Road Miles City MT 46.379237,-105.825046 Cemetery
VC242 State Veterans Cemetery - Angel Fire 31 Onate Rd. Angel Fire NM 36.439018,-105.297669 Cemetery
VC248 Western Carolina State Veterans Cemetery 962 Old US 70 Highway Black Mountain NC 35.609882,-82.355314 Cemetery
VC258 Akicita Owicahe Lakota Freedom Veterans Cemetery 202-35 B.I.A. 2 Kyle SD 43.45145,-102.02534 Cemetery
VC259 Sicangu Akicita Owicahe Veterans Cemetery 27404 U.S. Highway 83 White River SD 43.429945,-100.739608 Cemetery
VC266 Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Killeen 11463 South Highway 195 Killeen TX 31.026742,-97.756724 Cemetery
VC269 Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Abilene 7457 W. Lake Road Abilene TX 32.551002,-99.719009 Cemetery
VC276 Donel C. Kinnard Memorial State Veterans Cemetery 130 Academy Drive Dunbar WV 38.381518,-81.757415 Cemetery
VC293 Yorktown National Cemetery 2100 Cook Rd Yorktown VA 37.225406,-76.506271 Cemetery
VC294 Fort Bragg Main Post Cemetery Watson St Spring Lake NC 35.152010,-78.964897 Cemetery
VC012 Little Rock National Cemetery 2523 Springer Boulevard Little Rock AR 34.724243,-92.259439 Cemetery
VC014 Benicia Arsenal Post Cemetery Birch Rd Benicia CA 38.051049,-122.141832 Cemetery
VC017 Los Angeles National Cemetery 950 S Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles CA 34.060219,-118.454975 Cemetery
VC042 Danville National Cemetery 1900 East Main Street Danville IL 40.127111,-87.583435 Cemetery
VC043 Fort Sheridan National Cemetery Vattman Road Lake Forest IL 42.223677,-87.820567 Cemetery
VC046 Rock Island National Cemetery The Rock Island National Cemetery resides on an active U.S. Army installation. Bldg 118 Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island IL 41.514879,-90.523952 Military Base
VC069 Acadia National Cemetery 1799 U.S. Route 1 Jonesboro ME 44.646290,-67.660995 Cemetery
VC070 Togus National Cemetery RIDERS CHOICE: Pick one - Submit either a photo of the East or West Togus National Cemetery to be scored. VA Medical & Regional Office Center Togus ME 44.276281,-69.711694 Cemetery
VC075 Fort Devens Post Cemetery 35 Patton Road Devens MA 42.52904,-71.622219 Cemetery
VC090 Fort McPherson National Cemetery 12004 South Spur 56A Maxwell NE 41.024783,-100.524598 Cemetery
VC094 Fort Bayard National Cemetery 200 Camino De Paz Fort Bayard NM 32.798785,-108.153754 Cemetery
VC095 Santa Fe National Cemetery 501 North Guadalupe Street Santa Fe NM 35.69795,-105.950954 Cemetery
VC103 New Bern National Cemetery 1711 National Avenue New Bern NC 35.124247,-77.051939 Cemetery
VC106 Wilmington National Cemetery 2011 Market Street Wilmington NC 34.237619,-77.92263 Cemetery
VC107 Fargo National Cemetery 8709 40th Ave. N, County Road 20 Harwood ND 46.935391,-96.934861 Cemetery
VC124 Fort Jackson National Cemetery 4170 Percival Road Columbia SC 34.090147,-80.854386 Cemetery
VC126 Fort Meade National Cemetery Old Stone Rd. Sturgis SD 44.402476,-103.4771 Cemetery
VC130 Memphis National Cemetery 3568 Townes Ave. Memphis TN 35.173878,-89.940926 Cemetery
VC139 Fort Douglas Post Cemetery 405 Chipeta Way Salt Lake City UT 40.760555,-111.82532 Cemetery
VC149 Hampton National Cemetery (VAMC) The VA's Smallest National Cemetery
IMPORTANT: Submit photos as per Photo Instructions below
VA Medical Center - Emancipation Drive Hampton VA 37.018525,-76.331031 Cemetery
VC150 Quantico National Cemetery 18424 Joplin Rd. Triangle VA 38.551466,-77.358424 Cemetery
VC153 Staunton National Cemetery 901 Richmond Ave. Staunton VA 38.140254,-79.049966 Cemetery
VC154 Winchester National Cemetery 401 National Ave. Winchester VA 39.185084,-78.156229 Cemetery
VC164 Alabama State Veterans Memorial Cemetery at Spanish Fort 34904 State Highway 225 Spanish Fort AL 30.734314,-87.898481 Cemetery
VC184 West Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery 72-3245 Queen Kaahumanu Highway Kailua-Kona HI 19.793416,-156.004615 Cemetery
VC190 Iowa Veterans Cemetery 34024 Veterans Memorial Drive Adel IA 41.54533,-93.9520035 Cemetery
VC200 Kentucky Veterans Cemetery - West 5817 Fort Campbell Boulevard Hopkinsville KY 36.796925,-87.473537 Cemetery
VC213 Maryland State Veterans Cemetery - Garrison Forest 11501 Garrison Forest Road Owings Mills MD 39.44076,-76.76808 Cemetery
VC220 Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery - Little Falls 15550 Hwy 115 Little Falls MN 46.073771,-94.332446 Cemetery
VC224 Missouri State Veterans Cemetery - Bloomfield 17357 Stars and Stripes Way Bloomfield MO 36.8642387,-89.9315033 Cemetery
VC238 Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery 1900 Veterans Memorial Drive Boulder City NV 35.947444,-114.84719 Cemetery
VC241 New Jersey Memorial Home Cemetery (Closed) 524 N.W. Boulevard Vineland NJ 39.49549,-75.03063 Cemetery
VC270 Utah Veterans Memorial Cemetery 17111 S. Camp Williams Road Bluffdale UT 40.442487,-111.932111 Cemetery
VC271 Vermont Veterans Memorial Cemetery 487 Furnace Road Randolph Center VT 43.943265,-72.597356 Cemetery
VC272 Albert G. Horton, Jr. Memorial Veterans Cemetery 5310 Milners Road Suffolk VA 36.822701,-76.638656 Cemetery
VC279 Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery 21731 Spring Street Union Grove WI 42.6984596,-88.0864029 Cemetery
VC283 Andersonville National Cemetery 496 Cemetery Road Andersonville GA 32.201207,-84.131749 Cemetery
VC284 Chalmette National Cemetery 8606 W St Bernard Hwy Chalmette LA 29.944531,-89.986362 Cemetery
VC305 Fort Meade Post Cemetery The Fort Meade Post Cemetery resides on an active U.S. Army installation. Fort Meade Post Cemetery Rock Ave Fort Meade MD 39.089836,-76.72581 Military Base
VC020 Sacramento Valley National Cemetery 5810 Midway Road Dixon CA 38.416216,-121.875451 Cemetery
VC023 Fort Logan National Cemetery 4400 W. Kenyon Ave. Denver CO 39.645579,-105.052693 Cemetery
VC037 National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific 2177 Puowaina Drive Honolulu HI 21.311357,-157.844561 Cemetery
VC051 Marion National Cemetery 1700 East 38th Street Marion IN 40.523819,-85.630307 Cemetery
VC054 Keokuk National Cemetery 1701 J Street Keokuk IA 40.39877,-91.407153 Cemetery
VC055 Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery The Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery resides on an active U.S. Army installation. 395 Biddle Boulevard Fort Leavenworth KS 39.35094,-94.928189 Military Base
VC057 Leavenworth National Cemetery 150 Muncie Road Leavenworth KS 39.274441,-94.893255 Cemetery
VC066 Baton Rouge National Cemetery 220 North 19th Street Baton Rouge LA 30.449358,-91.169206 Cemetery
VC067 Louisiana National Cemetery 303 W. Mount Pleasant Road Zachary LA 30.646831,-91.254199 Cemetery
VC076 Massachusetts National Cemetery Connery Avenue Bourne MA 41.675675,-70.582286 Cemetery
VC077 Fort Custer National Cemetery 15501 Dickman Rd. Augusta MI 42.33502,-85.316278 Cemetery
VC078 Great Lakes National Cemetery 4200 Belford Road Holly MI 42.859872,-83.62197 Cemetery
VC092 Beverly National Cemetery 916 Bridgeboro Road Beverly NJ 40.053714,-74.921022 Cemetery
VC098 Cypress Hills National Cemetery 625 Jamaica Avenue Brooklyn NY 40.685918,-73.881219 Cemetery
VC112 Fort Gibson National Cemetery 1423 Cemetery Road Ft. Gibson OK 35.805646,-95.230331 Cemetery
VC120 Philadelphia National Cemetery Haines St. and Limekiln Pike Philadelphia PA 40.058651,-75.152991 Cemetery
VC122 Beaufort National Cemetery 1601 Boundary St. Beaufort SC 32.43982,-80.679901 Cemetery
VC142 City Point National Cemetery 10th Ave. and Davis St. Hopewell VA 37.305588,-77.296678 Cemetery
VC144 Culpeper National Cemetery 305 US Ave. Culpeper VA 38.470161,-77.992303 Cemetery
VC152 Seven Pines National Cemetery 400 E Williamsburg Rd. Sandston VA 37.520151,-77.301508 Cemetery
VC157 Tahoma National Cemetery 18600 SE 240th Street Kent WA 47.387242,-122.093552 Cemetery
VC169 Arkansas State Veterans Cemetery at Birdeye 3600 Highway 163 Birdeye AR 35.393014,-90.680298 Cemetery
VC183 Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery 45-349 Kamehameha Highway Kaneohe HI 21.391066,-157.791284 Cemetery
VC205 Southwest Louisiana Veterans Cemetery 1620 Evangeline Road Jennings LA 30.238289,-92.638574 Cemetery
VC207 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery - Mt. Vernon 163 Mt. Vernon Road Augusta ME 44.3525085,-69.8147583 Cemetery
VC211 Maryland Veterans Cemetery - Crownsville 1122 Sunrise Beach Road Crownsville MD 39.063891,-76.591782 Cemetery
VC215 Massachusetts State Veterans Cemetery - Agawam 1390 Main Street Agawam MA 42.0461884,-72.6164169 Cemetery
VC227 Missouri State Veterans Cemetery - Jacksonville 1479 County Road 1675 Jacksonville MO 39.581865,-92.480814 Cemetery
VC228 Missouri State Veterans Cemetery - Springfield 5201 South Southwood Road Springfield MO 37.117623,-93.235862 Cemetery
VC235 Nebraska Veterans Cemetery at Alliance P.O. Box 718 - 2610 C.R. 57 Alliance NE 42.072807,-102.818335 Cemetery
VC237 Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery 14 Veterans Way Fernley NV 39.6186981,-119.2291031 Cemetery
VC255 Rhode Island Veterans Memorial Cemetery RI Veterans Memorial Cemetery 301 South County Trail Exeter RI 41.545196,-71.534905 Cemetery
VC264 Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery at Parkers Crossroads 693 Wildersville Rd. Parkers Crossroads TN 35.792317,-88.380025 Cemetery
VC265 West Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery 4000 Forest Hill-Irene Road Memphis TN 35.037472,-89.759476 Cemetery
VC281 Battleground National Cemetery Battleground National Cemetery, located one-half mile north of Fort Stevens, is one acre in size, and one of our nation's smallest national cemeteries. 6625 Georgia Ave NW Washington DC 38.970741,-77.026984 Cemetery
VC289 Stones River National Cemetery 2552 Old Nashville Hwy Murfreesboro TN 35.880691,-86.433304 Cemetery
VC292 Poplar Grove National Cemetery 8005 Vaughan Rd Petersburg VA 37.159784,-77.429589 Cemetery
VC301 Aberdeen Proving Ground Main Post Cemetery The Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) cemetery resides on an active U.S. Army installation. Sidney Park Rd Aberdeen Proving Ground MD 39.480008,-76.122832 Military Base
VC306 Presidio of Monterey Main Post Cemetery The Presidio of Monterey Main Post Cemetery resides on an active U.S. Army installation. Presidio of Monterey Main Post Cemetery Mason Rd Monterey CA 36.605708,-121.914915 Military Base
VC029 Florida National Cemetery 6502 S.W. 102nd Avenue Bushnell FL 28.607894,-82.209074 Cemetery
VC035 Georgia National Cemetery 1080 Scott Hudgens Drive Canton GA 34.216167,-84.570681 Cemetery
VC052 New Albany National Cemetery 1943 Ekin Avenue New Albany IN 38.299217,-85.804833 Cemetery
VC072 Baltimore National Cemetery 5501 Frederick Avenue Baltimore MD 39.278471,-76.709089 Cemetery
VC079 Fort Mackinac Post Cemetery The rectangular Post Cemetery is bounded by a white picket fence with a wooden archway marking the entrance. Mackinac State Park Mackinac Island MI 45.85872,-84.62078 Other
VC085 Jefferson City National Cemetery 1024 E. McCarty Street Jefferson City MO 38.566945,-92.161154 Cemetery
VC110 Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery 2900 Sullivant Avenue Columbus OH 39.943642,-83.075978 Other
VC117 Willamette National Cemetery 11800 SE Mt. Scott Blvd. Portland OR 45.464724,-122.547781 Cemetery
VC127 Hot Springs National Cemetery VA Medical Center Hot Springs SD 43.439248,-103.472612 Cemetery
VC128 Chattanooga National Cemetery 1200 Bailey Ave. Chattanooga TN 35.033398,-85.286108 Cemetery
VC129 Knoxville National Cemetery 939 Tyson St. NW Knoxville TN 35.976078,-83.926502 Cemetery
VC136 Houston National Cemetery 10410 Veterans Memorial Dr. Houston TX 29.933522,-95.455171 Cemetery
VC137 Kerrville National Cemetery 3600 Memorial Blvd. Kerrville TX 30.013961,-99.109773 Cemetery
VC160 West Virginia National Cemetery 42 Veterans Memorial Lane Grafton WV 39.334926,-80.073041 Cemetery
VC166 Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery at Camp Navajo Camp Navajo 14317 Veterans Drive Bellemont AZ 35.237103,-111.845862 Cemetery
VC170 Arkansas State Veterans Cemetery at North Little Rock 1501 West Maryland Avenue North Little Rock AR 34.840974,-92.255425 Cemetery
VC176 Connecticut State Veterans Cemetery 317 Bow Lane Middletown CT 41.548572,-72.624688 Cemetery
VC201 Central Louisiana Veterans Cemetery 3348 University Parkway Leesville LA 31.0894,-93.2314 Cemetery
VC204 Southeast Louisiana Veterans Cemetery 34888 Grantham College Drive Slidell LA 30.310727,-89.812133 Cemetery
VC206 Central Maine Veterans Cemetery Blue Star Avenue Augusta ME 44.349897,-69.794587 Cemetery
VC223 Mississippi Veterans Memorial Cemetery - Newtown 248 Honor Circle Newton MS 32.33781,-89.083661 Cemetery
VC232 Montana State Veterans Cemetery - Fort Harrison Fort Harrison Helena MT 46.615206,-112.099324 Cemetery
VC246 Eastern Carolina State Veterans Cemetery Cemetery Visiting Hours are generally Daily during Daylight Hours.
Be aware the Cemetery is CLOSED a minimum of 1-hour prior to and after Committal Services. Services are held Mon-Fri at 10am, 12pm & 2pm and for no more than 30 min.
164 Longs Plant Farm Road Goldsboro NC 35.34573,-77.90603 Cemetery
VC247 Sandhills State Veterans Cemetery 400 Murchison Rd. Spring Lake NC 35.156091,-78.970368 Cemetery
VC252 Oklahoma Veterans Cemetery 2312 NE 36th Street Oklahoma City OK 35.50728,-97.475197 Cemetery
VC260 Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Veterans Cemetery 453851 BIA 10 Sisseton SD 45.654502,-97.141919 Cemetery
VC262 East Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery - Lyons View Pike 5901 Lyons View Pike Knoxville TN 35.925228,-83.993382 Cemetery
VC282 Soldiers Home National Cemetery The cemetery’s rolling hills mark the final resting place for more than 14,000 veterans, including those that fought in the Civil War. 21 Harewood Rd NW Washington DC 38.943772,-77.010070 Cemetery
VC304 Camp Lewis Post Cemetery The Camp Lewis Post Cemetery resides on an active U.S. Army installation, Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM). Camp Lewis Post Cemetery 2nd Division Range Road near the Skeet Trap Range Fort Lewis WA 47.062266,-122.584537 Military Base

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