
Statistics for 2016 Tour of Honor

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Combined Totals for All Riders
Memorial Visits: 7549
State Completions: 562
Trophies Awarded: 127
IBA Rides: 73
Doughboy Visits: 1319
Flag Mural Visits: 700
Statue of Liberty Visits: 871
Sea to Shining Sea Visits: 136
As of the time this page was loaded:
360 riders have visited at least one memorial.
225 riders have completed at least one state.
106 riders have earned at least one trophy.
51 riders have completed at least one IBA ride.
135 riders have visited at least one doughboy.
116 riders have visited at least one flag mural.
93 riders have visited at least one Statue of Liberty.
35 riders have visited at least one Sea to Shining Sea site.
10 Most Visited Memorials
Memorial Visits
TX3 39
MD1 38
MO4 38
TX7 38
AZ2 37
DC4 37
MD2 37
WV3 37
WY7 37
DC1 36
10 Most Visited Doughboys
Doughboy Visits
Clovis, CA - Clovis - NEMV - Playing Bugle 25
Pocahontas, AR - NEMV Doughboy 19
Liberty, KY - Liberty KY EMV Doughboy 18
Vernon, TX - Vernon TX EMV Doughboy 17
Philippi, WV - Philippi WV EMV Doughboy 17
Enosburg Falls, VT - Enosburg Falls VT EMV Doughboy 16
New Philidelphia, OH - New Philidelphia OH EMV Doughboy 15
Crowell, TX - Crowell TX EMV Doughboy 15
Wichita Falls, TX - Wichita Falls TX EMV Doughboy 15
Oakley, KS - Oakley KS EMV Doughboy 14
10 Most Visited Flag Murals
Flag Mural Visits
Lexington, KY 25
Nashville, TN 23
Blue Springs, MO 21
Las Vegas, NV 20
Arlington, VA 20
Cody, WY 20
Dover, DE 19
Hurlock, MD 19
Gulfport, MS 19
Fayetteville, NC 18
10 Most Visited Statues of Liberty
Statue of Liberty Visits
Lexington - Lexington, MO 13
Fairmont - VFW 629 - Fairmont, WV 13
Dover American Legion - Dover, DE 12
Independence - Independence, KS 12
Leavenworth - Leavenworth, KS 11
Wichita - Wichita, KS 11
Colby - Colby, KS 10
Pine Bluff - BSA - Pine Bluff, AR 9
Coffeyville - Coffeyville, KS 9
El Dorado - El Dorado, KS 9
10 Most Visited Sea to Shining Sea
Sea to Shining Sea Visits
Council Grove, KS 17
Bethesda, MD 15
Lexington, MO 14
Springerville, AZ 11
Lamar, CO 11
Vandalia, IL 11
Albuquerque, NM 11
Richmond, IN 10
Beallsville, PA 10
Upland, CA 9
10 Most Completed States
State Riders Completing
Texas 23
Kentucky 22
Missouri 22
Florida 20
West Virginia 20
Alabama 18
Kansas 18
Wyoming 18
New England 16
Georgia 15
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